A Cooking Lesson with Star Chef LAURA RAVAIOLI
Traductor has managed to invite the renowned Italian chef for a memorable cooking lesson in the Osteria Acqua! Laura Ravaioli is one of the best-known TV personalities in the Italian gourmet world.
In the “pasta” cookery class, Laura used a few simple Mediterranean ingredients to start cooking a traditional pasta dish. By adding a few more ingredients she created a new sauce for the right pasta every time.
With this event Traductor broke the language barrier and transformed Italian culture into a sensual experience. Watch the video to relive the most exciting moments of the evening. Or download the recipes (in German or Italian) and try them yourself.
Production: Traductor, Basel
Video Production: ado film, Basel
Music: Angelo Caltagirone, Basel
Wine Sponsors: Veuve Cliquot, Tenimenti D’Alessandro
Location: Osteria Acqua, Basel
Photos: Pino Covino, Mauro Minutilla